Wednesday, September 15, 2004

August 9 (Monday): When Jasons Collide. I wake up tired; it most definitely is Monday morning. What a way to begin the week, Sara pounding me on MSN. I am curt but not aggro, I test her patience.

For work, I am late leaving thus late arriving but still I stroll into work, determined that this will be a good week for me. As I walk to the office the weather is just frightening, between leaving and arriving it gradually darkens to scary proportions. Above us all, the sky is end of the worldly. Just moments after I stagger into the office with Steve, the heavens open and Colchester gets drenched.

The working day begins with me telling everybody about my weekend away and my numerous apparent faux pas committed but gracious about the great break all the same. My first encounter with/of Jimmy for the week sees him barely grunt at me. Oh my, is this a sign of the week to come? Lulu is not in, so that sucks meaning all conversation for the day will be male biased. Work is pretty light, to the point that I find myself able to speak to dad on the telephone when I get bored.

At lunchtime, it is more spends. I'm trying to cut out lunching and eating out during the week but if you don't do that, the only other option appears to be to shop. Today, when we stagger into HMV, myself searching for the autographed Charlotte Haverley seven inch (for some reason), I also find myself impulse buying the second Selfish Cunt seven inch (as recommended by Allen Zuk) and a Three Stooges DVD (why???). Stevo however goes one step better/further and FINALLY buys himself a brand new phone and he gets a decent phone for a change meaning that he can now get/use WAP/GPRS.

The afternoon slips past without event and when it comes time to go home, thankfully it is dry.

I spend the evening on the internet, wasting my life away. Tonight I am looking at Cantonese websites with view to piecing together enough pigeon with which to impress Phoebe. I don't know, I just like the idea of speaking another language and Cantonese is really fun (but very difficult).

On nightime TV tonight is a really interesting programme called "Who You Callin' A Nigger?" in which Darcus Howe reveals how black and Asians communities are more detached/tense than their white counterparts these days. Oh my.

np: Screaming Trees - Nearly Lost You


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